4 am lost in the never
land of chronic insomnia
a dark forest ravished by storms
where dreams go to perish
a dark forest ravished by storms
where dreams go to perish
My mind hijacks my destiny
speaks in a foreign tongue
devours the silence like a sinkhole
speaks in a foreign tongue
devours the silence like a sinkhole
Walks up and down my spine like
a gypsy tailor pushing a garment cart
down a long cobbled road
a gypsy tailor pushing a garment cart
down a long cobbled road
A sacrificial virgin burns in volcano ash
a Tijuana Jesus nailed to a plastic cross
winks at the twelve wise men making
a return trip to the Manager
after a shopping spree at Walmart’s
a Tijuana Jesus nailed to a plastic cross
winks at the twelve wise men making
a return trip to the Manager
after a shopping spree at Walmart’s
Poems swirl in my head like helicopter blades
drop me off at a graveyard where
a one-handed fortuneteller trades in
her crystal ball for a pack of tarot cards
drop me off at a graveyard where
a one-handed fortuneteller trades in
her crystal ball for a pack of tarot cards
My love returns from the Bermuda Triangle
in the disguise of a mermaid
in the disguise of a mermaid
There is no shelter from the storm
the river flows through North Beach into
the Café Trieste drowns one sleeping poet
and a burned out jazz musician
the river flows through North Beach into
the Café Trieste drowns one sleeping poet
and a burned out jazz musician
A political poet floats down to Spec’s Bar
with Mao’s little red book clutched in his hands
with Mao’s little red book clutched in his hands
Pope Francis pleads for humility
God answers with a bolt of lightning
Jesus raises the stakes with rolling thunder
God answers with a bolt of lightning
Jesus raises the stakes with rolling thunder
An army of red ants marches
backwards off a cliff
A bee colony drips honey between
backwards off a cliff
A bee colony drips honey between
he legs of a dairy queen
A haunted house coughs up
an angry ghost drunk on death
an angry ghost drunk on death
Dante gives up his seat in Hell
to Rosa Parks who recites
the Lord’s Prayer in Hebrew
to a honky Sheriff in Alabama
Saint Peter empties purgatory
turns sinners into saints
Van Gogh demands his ear back
turns sinners into saints
Van Gogh demands his ear back
A new born baby is sacrificed at the Louve
a French Mistress closes her legs in protest
the mirror splits in half mocks my existence
a French Mistress closes her legs in protest
the mirror splits in half mocks my existence
Satan recruits me
God mocks my counter offer
God mocks my counter offer
a whisper of sleep camps inside my eyeball
I surrender with a whimper drown in a series
of Hail Mary’s recited by a defrocked priest
surrounded by thirteen sexy nuns
of Hail Mary’s recited by a defrocked priest
surrounded by thirteen sexy nuns
dressed in see through habits